TwIsTeR Insights: Apathy

Filed under: by: wj

I enjoyed telling this scenario to a few close friends of mine.

Man A punches Man B and walks off. Whose fault isit that Man B is on the ground?

Yes, it was Man A's fault.

Now Man A returns after an hour, and saw that Man B is still on the ground. Now, whose fault isit that Man B is still on the ground?

Right again. It is Man B's fault.

A simple scenario describing one of Men's deadliest sins: Apathy. By now, you may be thinking, i'm not Man B. What makes you think I wont get up, after being hit?

Then, if this is so, let me ask u this: Do you have a weakness? Ans: Yes. If the ans is 'no' then you have some serious ego problems.

Second qn: If you know your weakness, then are you doing anything to confront that weakness? A yes or no question, no strings attached.

That is when the ans starts to change, depending on whu u are. There are many of us, myself included, who would go to people and say 'haiz, i wish i was more knowledgeable.' Or, 'haiz, I wish i was more adventurous' Such complaints are usually under the control of the complainer. If you want to be more knowledgeable, go read up or do some research. Want to be more adventurous? den go and enjoy urself in a radically different fashion.

That is when the excuses come in. Want to go skydiving? Nah, im nt that adventurous. Go and read? I cant, I'm too stupid.
Most of the time, we justify apathy with excuses of our nature. Or what i would like to call it, the 'Im-just-like-that' excuse. Fail a test? Im just not the studying type. Refuse to play defense in bball? Im nt the defensive type, and ive got no stamina.

We dont face the truth. And the truth is that we know that we r capable of doing these things to mak ourselves better, no, greater than we are now, but it just seems so damn difficult. So we avoid that path by saying that the path doesnt exist in the first place. That, ladies and gentlemen, is apathy.

Now, if you are guilty of this, as i am, lets all do something about it. Stop making excuses, go and train, go and read, go and explore the world, go and make friends. And we can all mak ourselves truly great.

God, grant me the serenity
To accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.

-The Serenity Prayer