TwIsTeR Insights: SEX!

Filed under: by: wj


Yea, whatever...

Sex is overrated. Yah. A shocking title followed by a shocking statement. Spoken like a true blue 22-year-old virgin. You there, not funny.

But yes, ill say it again. Sex is overrated, over-sensationalized and over-promoted. it is, as a result, inextricably woven into our society's very being. Sadly, sex is perceived as a representation moral-erosion of the youth, crime, a form of spreading disease or even entertainment. It is seen as a delicate or even complicated matter, often an irritating but necessary issue.

My question is: Why? Why does it have to be seen as that? Sex is not complicated. Ill leave all the mating fr the sake of the species thing aside, since no one has that in mind when performing the dirty deed. Sex is a beautiful act of love, at least to me and many others. Yet, it is seen as taboo. It doesn't equate.

I agree that we should not ignore sex crimes and promote the protection of women. But thats the thing, protection of women does not equal that sex is bad. The crime does not mean the act itself is not pure, it is the person that is screwed up. For example, if a basketball player whips up a knife and murders someone on the basketball court after losing his temper, does that mean the sport of basketball is the representation of the devil?

That is one problem with us human beings. We like, no, love associations. One mistake a person makes, and we see the person in a different light. One action by a country's government, and we view the people in the same manner. Crime is normally indicative of the person's nature or upbringing, but instead we condemn the act more than the person, unconsciously so or nt.

Now, im going to list a few things that bring sex, or a form of sex, into mind almost instantaneously, albeit seemingly harmless without such a tag.

Statement: A guy and girl sleeps under the same roof.
Assumption: SEX!

Phrase: Naked women
Thought: SEX!

Scenario: Old man marries a younger woman
First thought: SEX! and money

Country: Amsterdam
Wait, lemme guess: SEX!

Food: Chocolate
What the...: SEX!

Scene: 2 women walking hand-in-hand
thought: LESBIANS!

Person: Virgin
impression: you are such a good boy... and LOSER!

You get the idea. Forget art, which a long, long time ago, a woman's body is perceived as. Forget sexuality, as being gay means you are no longer human, even if the person does not have a choice in his/her nature. forget meritocracy, for it is sex that validates a person. Forget platonic friendship, as it is no longer possible under the current rules of society. Hell, lets all forget about love, since it is no longer possible to love without sex.

Honestly, im sick of it. And it is not going to change. Somewhere along the line, the meaning got transformed, the value, eroded. to the extent that it has become taboo. Well, i dont know about you, but im nt going to follow the trend. Ill view sex in my own way and follow suit with my actions, general perception be damned.