TwIsTeR Insights: Beautifully Imperfect

Filed under: by: wj

Ever been irritated by someone that you cared for? I mean, deeply irritated. It could be a character flaw, an annoying habit or a physical trait. It could be a mole in the wrong place that spoiled that perfect appearance, or that stubborn streak that, well, stubbornly refused to change.

Many relationships break because of these reasons. Were they attracted to one another? Yes. Were they in love? Yes. Were they suited for one another? They would say no. Why? Then they would list reasons that would be petty beyond belief. He left the toilet seat up all the time, she has pimples, he farts too much.

This is when intimate relationships fall apart because people have no less expectation other than the "Perfect One". News flash! We are NOT perfect. The person you are in love with is as much a human as you are. They are bound to have things that you wont like. Things that he definitely wont reveal when you just started dating. Things she wont say for fear to drive you away. Things that are rude, socially unacceptable, irksome. In other words, human.

As we human being chase after perfection, we tend to forget that we are mortals. Nothing wrong with the noble chase, but lets not delusion ourselves at the fact that we are who we are. We have to accept these flaws in ourselves and in others in order to correct them. We have to love these imperfections in the ones we care. Because it makes them who they are. It makes us who we are.

So why harp on them? Why focus on the negative so much? I believe for every sinful thought comes a benevolent, selfish thinking. You see, the holes in our emotional psyche, our principles, our appearances are what makes are truly beautiful; awesomely miraculous.

The perfect human being would be a robot. We aim for acceptance and conventional thought, which leads to cognitive dissonance. We strive for perfection in our speech and actions, under proper decorum or programming. We bottle up emotion and morality for efficiency and cold, hard fact. I, for one, do not want to be a robot.

So, girls, dont harp and nag on the small details that are so insignificant in the long run. Guys, get your head out of whatever football game is on and focus on the girl beside you. Try to see past mistakes and flaws; learn to accept them for who they are. Do not be close minded and unreasonable and you will soon find more reasons to love the people you care even more. I promise.

It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are, the more gentle and quiet we become toward the defects of others.
Francois de Fenelon

A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections.
Chinese Proverb

Endeavor to be always patient of the faults and imperfections of others for thou has many faults and imperfections of thine own that require forbearance. If thou are not able to make thyself that which thou wishest, how canst thou expect to mold another in conformity to thy will?
Thomas a Kempis (1380 - 1471)

Assert your right to make a few mistakes. If people can't accept your imperfections, that's their fault.
Dr. David M. Burns

UPDATE: The Mr.BrownShow had something else to offer to the above video. Hilarious.